Saturday, November 8, 2008

Last night's "Yes Yes Y'all" 11/7/08

Line up In order

Know Choice&Akrish "kill em with kindness battle" that turned ugly quickly
With Line's like "I like Geo better" and "I hate you but I like my second wind"

Lyfe Cycle came out next looking super NY paper boy fresh. They put on a dope lil set and kept it moving

SpaceMAN! was the host btw and kept the night moving along briskly!

Logics along with Mic Phenom and Sez Batterz came up next and honestly tore the roof off the joint like there was 1000 people up in the rebar that night!  Very good set!

Then the Tear Wrist came up DJ Nphared & DJ Rise and they did their thing with the ones and twos plus a couple!

The Seattles Only forgotten son! Mr Fatal came up and I think a couple people died because he was killin it something serious!!!!

Then to top off the night heavyweight Billy The Fridge came up and made everyone sit down in chairs in front of the stage and he mostly told plenty of jokes and had the entire crowd laughing.  He ran through songs about the lusty lady and star wars dissed his old myspace pal Ricky.  Then he shitted all of Lil Waynes A milli beat with A Billy A Billy a Billy!

Good  over all night kids
sorry no pics camera was dead

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