Saturday, June 14, 2014


I really think life is all about challenging yourself... physically, Mentally, or spiritually(for some)once you think you've learned it all or done it all its time to start digging your grave...Most recently I have set out on a pretty crazy challenge myself... seeing how long I can go without eating any meat... So far its been 33 or maybe 34 days and I've gotta say it hasn't been nearly as hard as I thought it would be... I feel doesn't matter how much salad or veggies I eat I don't ever get that unbuttoning my pants I just ate waaaaaaay to much food we all get during thanksgiving feeling...Oh yeah also...34 days ago I weighed 208 pounds this evening i weighed myself and IM at 196.4 I haven't been under 200 for soooooooo long...and its anamazing feeling...I've done this without hitting the gym (i wish i had energy to hit the gym after my 12 plus hour work days but i just don't) My job is pretty active so IM sure that's helping with the weight loss. HERE COMES THE CHALLENGE part... I really feel if I could some what easily break my habit of eating meat 2 or 3 times a day and sometimes for a late night snack... EVERYONE else out there can pick something to break a habit of... cigarettes, beer, energy drinks, Weed, Drugs,Fast Food, Soda...... whatever you partake in that might not be the healthiest thing for you I challenge you to go at least 10 days without and stop letting _______________ make you its bitch! haha YOU CAN DO IT BREAK THE HABIT... and yes IM still a man even though I haven't eaten meat in 34 or so days...

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